Crossfit fantast som jag är så hittade jag lite kul text från Crossfit San Diegos hemsida.
Passar också på att visa en bild på hur gymmen såg ut för riktigt, riktigt länge sedan. Inte helt fel va? Här kan vi snacka variation, funktion och intensitet!
It's more than a's a way of life...
1. You tell your girlfriend that you spent your morning with Fran, Cindy, or Helen, and she's not mad
2. You refuse to eat out any more, because there are no Zone-friendly restaurants
3. You have left a sweat angel on the floor of your gym
4. You are on your last warning for violating your globo-gym's "no oly lifts" policy
5. "So I think I dig this chick." "What! How can you say that? You don't even know what her Fran time is!"
6. You wake up after a night at the tavern, and your pockets are full of napkins with WOD that you made up in a drunken stupor ("10,000 kettlebell swings....underwater!")
7. You've power-cleaned your SO
8. People give you a lot of room at your gym
9. You understand the meaning of "stomp for power"
10. If you didn't puke, you didn't go hard enough
11. You feel sorry for people who read Muscle and Fitness
12. In your trunk, you have: at least one kettlebell, spare running shoes, a med ball, and rings
13. You know that the phrase "Oh yeah???" is very dangerous in the right context.
14. You talk about Coach, Eva, Brendan, Annie, Greg, etc like they are your best friends
15. Your favorite numbers are 21, 15, and 9
16. You have a lucky t-shirt that you wear on big days out
17. You've banged your head on a ceiling doing pullups
18. You can use the words "snatch" and "jerk" in a sentence and not giggle.
19. You watch affiliate videos while at work/in class
20. You do everything "for time"
21. Except sex, for which you go for max rounds in 20 minutes
22. In the same day, you've broken personal records in deadlifts and sprints
23. You psych yourself up by telling yourself you don't need to breathe for the next few minutes
24. People accuse you of lying when they ask you how you got in such great shape and you respond that it only take 1/2 hour a day.
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